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Anthony (“Tony”) G. Del Boccio was born in Chicago, Illinois on January 22, 1957. For the past 63 years, his family and friends were graced with one of the most loving, generous, and genuine people they would ever have the pleasure of meeting.  A devoted husband, father, stepfather, grandfather, brother, and uncle, Tony brought comfort and laughter to all of his loved ones. He was always there with a helping hand or hug if it was needed, but he also wouldn’t mince words. He would tell everyone what he thought with such sincerity that it endeared him into the hearts of many. He was truly a man of uncommon integrity. As a small business owner, Tony worked tirelessly to provide the best services to his customers and partners. Despite his exhaustive efforts at his auto parts store, he was always there to help a friend change a flat tire or find the source of a leak.  Everyone who knew him could see how much pleasure he took in his work, and wished they too could wake up each day with such a zest for life. We will always remember him for his love and generosity to anyone in need.

In memory of Tony and all that he stood for, we humbly ask that, in lieu of flowers or gifts, you would make donations to Keep Swimming Foundation. Keep Swimming Foundation provides much needed financial support to family members of severely ill patients. The Foundation provides room and board, travel expenses, and other necessities to help patients and their families during critical treatment. 

We thank you in advance and know that Tony thanks you with a big bear hug from Heaven.