Keep Swimming Foundation Announces Change in Board of Directors

Two members of Keep Swimming Foundation’s Board of Directors have stepped down.

Jim Ventura, who joined the foundation’s Board of Directors in 2018, played an important role in helping the foundation select many incredible families throughout his two years of service. Jim also provided a great deal of assistnace in making our 2nd Annual Gala’s ballroom a smashing success through his tireless effort to acquire unique cars.

Karrie Driscoll, who joined the Board of Directors in early 2020, is stepping down to focus the bulk of her time on her children and family. While Karrie joined during an unprecedentedly slow year for our foundation, her input and medical perspective on every selection call was greatly appreciated and she will be sorely missed.

The current 2021 Board of Directors roster is as follows:

Bill Coon - Board President

Ann Coon - Board Treasurer

Lauren Irwin, CRNA, MSN, APN - Board Secretary

Meghan Christopher, ARPN-CRNA, MSN

Mary Rolston

Peter G. Sparacio, MBA, ASQ