Keep Swimming Foundation Selected as a Milwaukee Sports and Social Charity

This summer, Milwaukee Sports and Social will be hosting recreational softball and kickball leagues in the city of Milwaukee and they have chosen to give back to charity!

The winners of each of their softball and kickball leagues will be able to choose from a select few charities to make a donation to. First place teams will be able to donate $200 to a charity of their choosing. Second place finishers will choose a charity to receive $100 and a third-place team will choose a pre-approved charity to give $50! All of the money will be coming from Milwaukee Sports and Social, so the players do not pay a thing when they win!

Keep Swimming Foundation has been selected as a pre-approved charity for the Summer 2021 season!

We would like to thank Milwaukee Sports and Social for supporting our mission and wish the best of luck to all of the co-ed softball and kickball players!